What Does Coaster Over Drink At A Bar Mean?
In the lively atmosphere of your favorite bar, you might notice something unusual about some other people’s drinks. A few of them might have a coaster placed directly on the top of the glass, either instead of, or in addition to, one placed underneath. This is a seemingly strange action, but one that can actually serve several purposes. In this post, we will look at the supreme versatility of the humble coaster and delve into the question ‘Why do people put a coaster over a drink at a bar’?

Key Takeaways
- In bars around the world, people sometimes leave a coaster over their drink
- There are various reasons for this, but the main ones are to shield the drink from contaminants or to signal to the bartender that the drink isnÔÇÖt finished.
- Other possible reasons include preserving the drinkÔÇÖs cool temperature or ensuring a personÔÇÖs drink is easily identified on a busy table.
- For the initiated, a coaster on top of a beer is a well-recognized sign not to interfere with a glass or the seat/stool itÔÇÖs next to.
- Our custom coaster service can make it easy to furnish your bar with versatile coasters that fulfill many purposes.
Why Do People Put A Coaster Over Drink At A Bar?
The practice of placing a coaster on top of one's beer is a longstanding tradition. At first glance, it may appear puzzling - it’s not one of the primary functions a coaster is used for. But it serves various purposes for different people. Whether individuals do it to shield their drinks from contaminants, signal something to the bartender, or simply make their drinks more identifiable when returning from the restroom, there is no shortage of reasons why someone might engage in this practice.

Protection From Contaminants
For many, there is a simple reason to place a coaster over a drink at a bar. It serves as a physical barrier that prevents things like dust, insects and other airborne contaminants from finding their way into a drink. People simply pick up a beer mat and put it on top of their glass and it effectively operates as a lid, which is particularly useful in outdoor settings or bars that have open-air seating. This is actually one of the primary uses of beer mats in Germany.
One particular bonus of this for bars is that it encourages closer interaction with the coasters. If you have designed your coasters to feature brand elements or adverts, this close contact could make the content of the coaster more effective in its purpose. If you have noticed patrons placing coasters over their drinks at your bar, capitalize on this by designing custom coasters that might make an impression on them when they pick them up. There are many ideas for custom coaster designs that make an impression and contribute to your broader aesthetic.
Signaling To The Bartender
Another possible reason a patron might place a coaster on top of their drink is to signal to the bartender. Part of the job of bar staff is to prevent too much mess from building up, as it is a hazard for everyone in the space. They will routinely walk around the bar collecting empty or abandoned glasses to be cleaned and prepared for reuse.
In some cases, people will leave their drinks unattended with the intention of returning to finish them. Perhaps they need to take a trip to the restroom or go to play a slot machine in the bar. In order to signal to the bartender that they are returning to their drink, these people might place a drink coaster over their glass to differentiate it from others. If bar staff see that a drink has been left with a coaster on top, they will know not to clear it away and it will be right where the patron left it when they return to finish their beverage.
With patrons placing coasters on top of their drinks, it’s important that you clean your coasters regularly or replace disposable ones to promote hygiene. The last thing you want is for someone to become unwell as a result of poor cleanliness at your bar.
What Does A Coaster On Top Of A Drink At A Bar Mean?
Though it may seem strange to the uninitiated, placing a coaster on top of one’s beer is a universally understood gesture in many bars around the world. Some people use a bar napkin instead of a coaster, but it is very common to see this done no matter what country you are in. You may wonder if there are any unique cultural interpretations of this practice, as different countries tend to have different customs for drinking. However, in this case, leaving a beermat on top of one’s drink is generally only associated with the things described in this post.
Having said that, there are some bars where it’s customary for bartenders to refill empty glasses and keep a tab of each patron’s bill. In such bars, a coaster left on top of a glass is used to tell the bartender that you don’t want it to be refilled again.
It’s worth noting that it is not advised to leave your drink unattended. In fact, in a busy, bustling bar, it could even be dangerous. If you do need to step away, try to make your excursion as short as possible and take your drink with you if you can. If there are a lot of people in the venue, placing a coaster on top of your drink may not be enough to prevent the glass from being cleared, as it is not an official rule.

Want to create the perfect coasters for bars?
Our custom beer mats are the ideal solution for busy bars, and their lightweight, disposable design makes them excellent for putting over a drink to signal to others.
Other Uses Of Putting Coasters Over Drink At Bar
Whether you purchase generic coasters, have custom beer mats produced for your establishment, or even create your own custom coasters, they are versatile accessories. They protect tabletops throughout your venue and contribute to the overall aesthetic inside and outside. They also help reinforce your brand or convey advertisements, depending on how you design them.
However, there is no escaping the fact that patrons often place a coaster over a drink at a bar, and the explanations we have covered so far are not the only reasons people do this.
Here are some more potential ones:
Preserving The Drink
Though there is no scientific evidence for it, some people may believe that placing a coaster on top of a drink can help preserve its cold temperature for longer. For this to work, the coaster would need to have insulating properties, which are not possessed by materials like:
- Cardboard
- Cork
- Paper
This doesn’t deter some people from still doing it, however, so this is one possible explanation for why people put coasters over drinks at bars.
If you run a bar, the experience of your patrons is paramount. You could consider supplying double-walled glasses or insulated tumblers to help preserve the cool temperatures of their drinks. Naturally, some beverages can have ice added to them to assist with this as well, though it is always best to ask customers if they want ice before serving it.
In the pursuit of enhancing the customer experience, designing your own custom coasters can help elevate the ambiance or theme of your establishment. We make it easy to personalize your design and place bulk orders for substantial cost savings, ensuring you receive high-quality products at an affordable price.
Hygiene And Cleanliness
One of the key benefits of putting coasters over drinks in bars is to keep the liquid in your glass free from contaminants. Hygiene is paramount in any establishment serving food and beverages.
According to Texas A&M University, airborne transmission of illnesses in enclosed spaces like bars can occur when viruses and bacteria travel on dust particles or small respiratory droplets in the air. Good cleaning and ventilation are helpful in preventing this, but it is prudent for patrons to want to cover their drinks whilst resting them on tables.
The design of your coasters can help with this. By personalizing your coaster design and opting for large, circular coasters made from substantial materials, you can make it easy for customers to cover their drinks in this way. The effect can be taken even further by choosing to make your coasters from materials with natural antibacterial properties like:
- Wood: The natural oils in some wood types, like cedar and teak, can inhibit the growth of bacteria.
- Bamboo: Bamboo is known for its natural resistance to bacteria and fungi, so it can be a good choice for maintaining cleanliness.
Note that these materials are not sufficient by themselves. They must be routinely cleaned as part of a comprehensive process of maintaining hygiene and cleanliness.
Avoiding Mix-Ups
We have noted that people sometimes place a coaster on top of their drink to signal to the bartender not to clear away their glass. This is usually done when you have to leave the drink unattended, but there is another benefit to it if you have to leave your drink alone temporarily.
In a busy bar, there are many drinks on tables that look similar to one another. What’s more, those drinks are constantly moving, with glasses being added and taken away from tables many times per minute. If a patron leaves their table for a minute, it might be difficult to identify which drink is theirs when they return.
In this case, an individual may choose to place a coaster on top of their beer to avoid mix-ups. When they return, their drink will be the one that is sitting on the table, covered by a coaster. It’s a simple solution, but one that is very effective. Again, it is not usually advised to leave drinks entirely unattended, particularly on a busy night at a bar. But, if you must, this technique can help avoid being unable to discern which drink is which when you return.

Superstitions or Rituals
For varying reasons, some people have superstitions or rituals that might necessitate placing a coaster on top of one’s drink. These types of behaviors may relate to:
- Family traditions
- Neurodivergent traits
- Mental health concerns like OCD
- Personal superstitions
The real point is that there is no harm in people putting coasters over drinks at bars. Whether their reasons are private or they are trying to signal something to others, it is not a choice to be discouraged. Bar owners should aim to keep all their customers happy, and providing high-quality coasters can play a big part in this. Whether they are used to protect tables, enhance the ambiance, cover people’s glasses, or all of the above, it’s important to provide these versatile accessories for a positive experience all round.
Frequently Asked Questions About Coaster On Top Of Beer
Why Do People Put A Coaster Over Their Drink?
There are several reasons. Some do it to cover the drink and protect against airborne contaminants, while some do it to signal to the bartender not to clear away their glass when leaving a drink unattended.
What Does A Coaster On Top Of A Glass Mean?
A coaster on top of a glass can mean that the drink is still in use and no-one should take it or move it. And can also be a sign that the drink’s owner doesn’t want any contaminants to fall into their beverage.